search for reports by organization names and numbers
Didn’t pick up and I've added them to my blocked contacts.

I've been bombarded with dodgy calls from India, attempting to sell me ridiculously cheap EE deals. I’ve had enough and blocked the number!

I received a call that started with some rather deep breaths, followed by a rather uncertain "hello?" before the line went dead. Quite peculiar, to say the least!

I received a call from this number just now, but it turned out to be a robotic voice, and honestly, I haven't the foggiest idea what it was going on about.

It appears to be a call from British Gas. They rang up inquiring about my daughter, who has actually moved out, yet they were aware of her married name. Quite peculiar indeed! When I suggested I would have her get in touch with British Gas to clarify their reason for calling, the caller abruptly hung up on me. Such rudeness!

I received a call from someone purporting to be with FedEx who asked for nearly £2000 for Customs Duty and VAT on a package that was supposedly waiting for me. I didn’t cough up any cash!

Didn't pick up the call; this isn't the first time they've tried to reach me.

Received a call from them earlier today, but I chose not to pick up!

I've been getting calls from this number, and it's the nurse from Milton Keynes University Hospital, who’s overseeing my chemotherapy clinical trial.
Milton Keynes University Hospital

I received a call from this number associated with Leeds, and it was rather unsettling. There was a pre-recorded message that kept insisting I call back, almost yelling at me. It definitely feels like a scam to me!

Today, I received a call from someone claiming to represent O2, but they were using a rather dodgy 01213395902 number to discuss my O2 contract renewal. I’m well aware that genuine O2 representatives wouldn’t reach out from an 0121 number, so I found it all quite suspicious. It genuinely worries me that if I were more vulnerable, this person could easily pull off a scam and create a fair bit of distress. I can't recall his name, but he was rather convincing and urged me to ring back that number he provided.

"Since no one bothered to leave a message, I'm going to take it upon myself to block this dodgy number."

What an absolute bother! Constantly ringing without leaving any sort of message, so I've decided to take precautions and block the number.

Scammers pretending to be from O2 are on the prowl again!

Relentless fraudster ALERT!

Relentless con artist at work!

I received a rather alarming call from this number, purporting to represent Visa and inquiring about a dubious payment linked to Amazon. To say I’m irked would be an understatement, especially considering I've been bombarded with nuisance calls from someone who claims to be affiliated with Laithwaites lately. After reading through other people's experiences, it seems rather clear that either Laithwaites has mishandled my information or worse, sold it off. Safe to say, I won’t be making any purchases with them again down the line.

Received a call purporting to be from EE, but I’ve decided to blacklist the number.

Feeling a bit anxious after reading the reviews.

Phoning in with a supposed O2 connection, but I've had enough – number staunchly blocked.

Currently deep into investigating a rather massive con. It’s all rather bewildering, and I'm still not certain whether it's the authorities or the fraudsters who are behind it. Given that I’ve been under some sort of siege, it seems wise to err on the side of caution and consider it “hazardous.” I’ll share further details as I uncover them. Cheers, CR2.

I recently decided to research the premiums for Funeral Cover Insurance online, which naturally required me to input some personal information in order to get a proper quote. Since then, I've been inundated with phone calls from this number, as well as others that resemble it. I can only deduce that they're attempting to sell me various insurance products. Take my advice: steer clear of what I did unless you're up for relentless cold calls. When it comes to insurance, sharing your phone number signals to companies that it's fair game to peddle your details to others. Now, I'm stuck having to block these persistent callers as they take turns ringing me up. I hope this serves as a warning!

I contacted Barclays directly, and they confirmed that this number indeed belongs to them. Apparently, there was some suspicious activity linked to my account involving Temu and a few other transactions that they have since halted.

Received a call purporting to be from EE, suggesting they could slash my bill by half! They wanted me to give them my email to confirm my account. When I requested they share the 3rd, 4th, and 5th characters of my email first, the caller abruptly ended the conversation. Odd behaviour, wouldn't you say?

As soon as I picked up, the call dropped immediately. After going through the reviews, I’ve decided to block the number now.