search for reports by organization names and numbers
I received a call from someone purporting to be with FedEx who asked for nearly £2000 for Customs Duty and VAT on a package that was supposedly waiting for me. I didn’t cough up any cash!

I've been getting calls from this number, and it's the nurse from Milton Keynes University Hospital, who’s overseeing my chemotherapy clinical trial.
Milton Keynes University Hospital

Today, I received a call from someone claiming to represent O2, but they were using a rather dodgy 01213395902 number to discuss my O2 contract renewal. I’m well aware that genuine O2 representatives wouldn’t reach out from an 0121 number, so I found it all quite suspicious. It genuinely worries me that if I were more vulnerable, this person could easily pull off a scam and create a fair bit of distress. I can't recall his name, but he was rather convincing and urged me to ring back that number he provided.

What an absolute bother! Constantly ringing without leaving any sort of message, so I've decided to take precautions and block the number.

Currently deep into investigating a rather massive con. It’s all rather bewildering, and I'm still not certain whether it's the authorities or the fraudsters who are behind it. Given that I’ve been under some sort of siege, it seems wise to err on the side of caution and consider it “hazardous.” I’ll share further details as I uncover them. Cheers, CR2.

I contacted Barclays directly, and they confirmed that this number indeed belongs to them. Apparently, there was some suspicious activity linked to my account involving Temu and a few other transactions that they have since halted.

Had a dodgy phone call purporting to be from Argos. Definitely a scam!

Received an automated call about PIN verification from HMRC regarding my government gateway login. It's quite peculiar, as I hadn't initiated a login at that time. It seems like a safe number, but it raises a few eyebrows considering others who have received similar calls without even attempting to log in. This might indicate that someone has mistakenly entered incorrect details on the website. Quite the puzzling situation!

Seems like it’s a call centre reaching out for Eon Next. Apparently, your account is overdue. Best to take a peek at it online and get things sorted out. That should put an end to their incessant calls!

Ringing me five times daily, so I’ve finally decided to block the number.

Yet another lot of dodgy characters attempting to pull a fast one!

I received a call from Laithwaites about an order I placed.

I’m not quite sure about that one; the moment I picked up, they just hung up.

Received a call from this number, but they didn’t bother to leave a voicemail. Quite odd, as I don’t know anyone in the MK region!

I received a call from this number that appeared as Argos. Quite odd, considering I have no contact details for Argos saved on my phone. I'm relieved I looked it up here; I’ll be adding this number to my blocked list.

I returned the call to this number and discovered it was Domestic and General insurance on the other end. Apparently, they sourced my contact details through Sky.
Domestic and GeneralSky

Received what seems to be a scam message. The sender didn’t bother to reveal their identity.

Received a call claiming that my bank had sent them two payments that raised some red flags. When I inquired about the specifics of the payments, I mentioned that I was currently on the line with my bank. They then requested the name of my bank—I found it rather odd that they weren't already privy to that information if they were indeed the recipients. It's glaringly obvious this is a scam.

I recently lodged a grievance with Direct Line Insurance after enduring a rather exasperating chat with their Billing Department. Judging by the person's accent and the unmistakable sounds typical of a call centre, it seems likely the conversation took place in India. To be honest, I was quite hesitant to take this call, given the remarks I had seen previously. However, I was pleasantly surprised to find that it was a real UK-based representative from Direct Line who assisted in sorting out my issue. The comments referencing UK Insurance aren't off the mark either, as UKI happens to be the policy underwriter, which is also part of Direct Line's umbrella.
Direct Line InsuranceBilling DepartmentIndiaDirect LineUK InsuranceUKI

Received a call from 0345-35111692, which is apparently linked to TSB Card. Just a heads up, if you call back, you'll find yourself listening to an automated voice that goes through your recent card transactions. It asks you to confirm whether you've made those purchases. If you haven't, they promptly connect you to TSB's Fraud Team. TSB has assured me that this number is indeed legitimate, but be cautious as scammers sometimes spoof it. If there's ever any doubt, it's always best to ring 03459-758758 to verify with TSB's Customer Services team. Stay safe!
TSBFraud TeamCustomer Services

It's coming from O2, apparently.

Received a muddled voice call followed by a pre-recorded message from LCS regarding ‘a significant personal issue’ on my landline.

They keep calling me on both my home phone and mobile, but they never bother to leave a message. I'm so tired of these persistent calls that I just keep blocking the numbers one after another. It’s getting really frustrating.

I wasn’t able to pick up the call, so I requested that they drop me a text instead, but the message didn’t go through. After that, I decided to look up the number and have now placed it on my blocked list.

I can assure you, this is definitely an authentic TSB card verification number and is absolutely NOT a scam. I've personally contacted TSB Direct to verify its legitimacy.