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0800 016 3943 Tagged as:
08000163943 is a valid (Free To Call) United Kingdom Phone Number and it is issued by BT. It is part of the phone block 8000163 with a prefix of 0800.
When this phone number pops up on your Caller ID, it might be in one of these formats:
If you want to return this call, click here to see the call charges.
This number has recently been searched from Eastern Cleddau(Pembrokeshire), Gilwell Park(Essex), Iden Green(Kent), Illey(West Midlands) and Pilton(Edinburgh).
08000163943 has 7 comments of which 3 x negative and 4 x neutral
Reports on phone number 08000163943
Submit Your Own Report (0800 016 3943)
TimeLine of events for phone number 08000163943
- Angry response; no context givenJan
2025Sonex Financial helps vulnerable clientsNov
2024Suspicious call, likely phishing attemptSep
2024Scam call pretending to verify informationAug
2024Avoid cold calls from strangersJul
2024Unrecognized number; suspected fraudster scammersJul
2024Call to action was intimidatingJan
2022Call Charges
If you want to return a call to 08000163943, it will be free of charge on both mobile and landline.
About 0800 Numbers
Numerous organizations use Freephone numbers, with phone calls being free of cost from all consumer landlines and mobiles. However, if you're calling from a business phone, you might need to consult your provider to determine if charges may apply for dialing 0800 or 0808 numbers.
Other Numbers
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