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03451740598 is a valid (Universal Access Number) United Kingdom Phone Number and it is issued by Telecom2 Limited. It is part of the phone block 345174 with a prefix of 0345.
The format of this phone number on your Caller ID may vary, such as:
If you want to return this call, click here to see the call charges.
This number has recently been searched from Walton(Powys) and Willoughby-on-the-Wolds(Nottinghamshire).
We do not have any reports for this phone number. Use the button below to leave a comment if you have any information.
Reports on phone number 03451740598
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TimeLine of events for phone number 03451740598
- Reported scam involving unauthorized chargesSep
2024Suspicious caller offers item, demandsAug
2024Call Charges
If you want to return a call to 03451740598, it will cost you £0.16 per minute on landline and between between £0.03 to £0.65 per minute on mobile. Additionally, there might be a connection charge of £0.23.
About 03 Numbers
Several organizations utilize 03 numbers instead of the more expensive 08 numbers. As an example, numerous public sector organizations have shifted from 0845 numbers to 0345. The cost of calls is the same as calls to geographic numbers (01 or 02). Call charges are influenced by the time of the day, and most providers offer call packages that permit calls free of charge during certain times of the day. The cost of calls from mobiles differ based on the chosen calling plan. Usually, these calls are incorporated in free call packages.
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