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03023 is not a valid (Unknown) United Kingdom Phone Number. It has a prefix of 03023.

You could come across this phone number on your Caller ID in these given formats:

+4403023+44 0302303023+44-03023
Number Of Searches: 151 Number Of Comments: 5 First Seen: 30 August 2014 General Reputation: negative

This number has recently been searched from Canon Pyon(Herefordshire), Denton(Lincolnshire) and Port Glasgow(Inverclyde).

03023 has 5 comments of which 3 x negative and 2 x neutral

Reports on phone number 03023

9 years
Beware of Microsoft imposters! Whatever you do, don’t engage with them or allow them any access to your device. Protect your personal information at all costs. If they call, just hang up, and before you do, feel free to express your frustrations in no uncertain terms to those foreign tricksters. Stay safe!
9 years
Usually, there's hardly anyone on the line, but on the rare occasion when there is, it's typically someone with an Indian accent rambling on about computer errors. I just cut the call straight away.
10 years
I seem to receive frequent calls from this number, but there’s never anyone on the line. Quite odd, really!
10 years
Received a rather dodgy call earlier today, with someone purporting to be from Microsoft. They claimed that they'd received error alerts from my computer. As soon as their tone turned confrontational after I insisted everything was functioning perfectly, I promptly hung up. Not a clue what they were after, but it all felt incredibly suspicious!
11 years
What an interesting experience! I've received calls from 0301 numbers in the past, but this particular one was a first for me. They rang me at ten to four in the afternoon, yet didn’t leave any message. Quite peculiar, if you ask me.

Submit Your Own Report (03023)

TimeLine of events for phone number 03023

  • Avoid Microsoft scammers, protect yourself
  • Beware of Indian accent scammers
  • Frequent calls with no response
  • Received suspicious call from "Microsoft"
  • Received a new phone call

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