
Click on the button below to summarize all user reports on 09037087070

09037087070 is a valid (Premium Rate) United Kingdom Phone Number and it is issued by A2B Telecom Limited. It is part of the phone block 903708 with a prefix of 0903.

Your Caller ID could showcase this phone number differently, such as:

+449037087070+44 903 708 70700903 708 7070+44-903-708-7070

If you want to return this call, click here to see the call charges.

Number Of Searches: 110 Number Of Comments: 6 First Seen: 23 January 2017 General Reputation: negative

This number has recently been searched from Hill Top(Durham), Sliabh na h-Airde(Western Isles), Tredogan(Glamorgan) and Westby(Lancashire).

09037087070 has 6 comments of which 4 x neutral and 2 x negative

Reports on phone number 09037087070

7 years
I've just noticed a £32.00 charge on my account for a call I can't recall at all—absolutely baffled by it!
8 years
This is the number for easyJet, and it’s been a right hassle! My sister’s flight was postponed for more than 8 hours, and when my mum rang them for answers, we ended up with a bill this month – a staggering £46 for just a 12-minute call! As if the flight delay wasn’t enough frustration, now we’re slapped with this extra charge! They were absolutely no assistance whatsoever!
8 years
£16! I'm completely baffled as to who this could be, and I don't even recall giving them a ring!
8 years
I’ve got a number popping up on my phone, but I haven’t a clue who’s behind it!
8 years
I've noticed a charge of £30 on my bill, but I've completely forgotten who it was from...
8 years
I've just noticed a charge of £25 for a call that lasted all of six minutes, and I'm completely baffled by it. I have no recollection of making such a call.

Submit Your Own Report (0903 708 7070)

TimeLine of events for phone number 09037087070

  • Unexpected £32 charge for call
  • Difficult experience with EasyJet customer service
  • Confusion about £16 phone charge
  • Doesn't recognize unknown phone number
  • Unexpected £30 charge, unclear origin
  • Unexplained £25 charge for call

Call Charges

If you want to return a call to 09037087070, it will cost you between between £1.00 to £3.60 per minute on landline and between between £1.00 to £3.60 per minute on mobile. Additionally, there might be a connection charge between between £0.05 to £6.00. Calls to this number might also result in access charges between £0.08 to £0.67 per minute.

About 09 Numbers

These premium rate numbers are generally utilized for various services like professional consultation, adult services, chat lines, horoscopes, TV voting, contests and recorded information. If you desire, you can block these numbers from being dialed from your phone, just like you can block other numbers. Moreover, such numbers are overseen by the Phone-paid Services Authority.

Other Numbers