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01485 961573 Tagged as:


01485961573 is a valid (Landline) United Kingdom Phone Number. It has a prefix of 01485. The area code 01485 originates from Hunstanton.

Different versions of this phone number could show up on your Caller ID as:

+441485961573+44 1485 96157301485 961573+44-1485-961573

If you want to return this call, click here to see the call charges.

Number Of Searches: 117 Number Of Comments: 9 First Seen: 26 November 2017 General Reputation: negative

This number has recently been searched from Ballygalley(County Antrim), Penally (Penalum)(Pembrokeshire), Pierowall(Orkney) and Quebec(Durham).

01485961573 has 9 comments of which 8 x neutral and 1 x negative

Reports on phone number 01485961573

7 years
I received a call from BT who informed me that there had been issues with my broadband over the past few weeks. I calmly explained that I hadn't experienced any problems at all. To my astonishment, they abruptly declared, "We're going to disconnect your service," and then ended the call without another word. This feels like nothing short of harassment to me.
7 years
I received a call claiming that my BT broadband had been cut off, then they just dropped the line. The voice had a heavy accent. What a bunch of charlatans!
7 years
A chap rang up, insisting he worked for BT tech support, and proceeded to tell me that my internet connection had been compromised. Oddly enough, he couldn't provide my BT account number, even though he had my name on hand. It was obvious this was a dodgy call, so I decided to end the conversation promptly.
7 years
Received a call from someone with an unusual accent claiming there was an issue with my internet connection. I told them it was perfectly fine, and then they abruptly ended the call. Quite strange!
7 years
An unknown number rang me earlier, claiming to be from BT. Anyone else had a similar call?
7 years
I've received a call from an unfamiliar number—does anyone know who it might be?
7 years
It’s rather peculiar that BT claims this number is non-existent, yet I've managed to identify it through Caller ID. Quite baffling, if you ask me!
7 years
Just received a call with no one on the line. Quite perplexing, to say the least!
7 years
Picked up the call and was met with nothing but silence for ages before an automated voice chimed in with a rather abrupt 'goodbye.' Earlier, I received a call from a number that was quite similar, where a woman with a South Asian accent insisted she was from BT Technical Support. I've now gone ahead and blocked both of those numbers.

Submit Your Own Report (01485 961573)

TimeLine of events for phone number 01485961573

  • Harassment from BT over broadband
  • Unsettled by the quiet phone
  • Suspicious call, foreign accent, dishonest
  • Scammer claiming internet connection hacked
  • Suspicious caller with internet claim
  • Unsure who called from BT
  • Asks for clarification about call
  • Call was silent on phone
  • Caller ID shows non-existent number
  • Silence, automated goodbye, blocked numbers

Call Charges

If you want to return a call to 01485961573, it will cost you £0.16 per minute on landline and between between £0.03 to £0.65 per minute on mobile. Additionally, there might be a connection charge of £0.23.

About 01 Numbers

These numbers are connected to specific locations in the UK and are typically used by residential and commercial properties. Often called as 'basic rate', 'local rate', or 'national rate' numbers, the costs for these geographic numbers are contingent on the time of day. Numerous service providers offer call packages that offer free calls during certain times. Call costs from mobile phones are subject to the chosen calling plan, with several plans offering these numbers in their free call packages.

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