
Click on the button below to summarize all user reports on 02081334804

020 8133 4804 Tagged as:

moneygram nhs yang li jason finchley road county of hampstead london peter pinchman

02081334804 is a valid (Landline) United Kingdom Phone Number and it is issued by Vodafone Ltd (C&W). It is part of the phone block 208133 with a prefix of 020. The area code 020 originates from London.

You may see this phone number on your Caller ID in one of these formats:

+442081334804+44 20 8133 4804020 8133 4804+44-20-8133-4804

If you want to return this call, click here to see the call charges.

Number Of Searches: 52 Number Of Comments: 2 First Seen: 27 August 2016 General Reputation: negative

This number has recently been searched from Forrestfield(North Lanarkshire), Ridge Green(Surrey), South Bank(West Yorkshire) and Whittington(Lancashire).

02081334804 has 2 comments of which 1 x negative and 1 x neutral

Reports on phone number 02081334804

8 years
I am absolutely appalled to report that a despicable individual has been pestering a vulnerable elderly lady with disabilities, demanding a staggering £250 just to set her cheque free. It's utterly disgraceful!
8 years
I received a call from a chap named Jason, claiming to be part of the NHS investigation team based on Finchley Road in the County of Hampstead, London. He mentioned a manager by the name of Peter Pinchman and was inquiring about some sort of NHS incident or claim. I suspect this might be another claims company trying to reel people in.
JasonNHSFinchley RoadCounty of HampsteadLondonPeter Pinchman

Submit Your Own Report (020 8133 4804)

TimeLine of events for phone number 02081334804

  • Scam involving money gram payment
  • Targeted a vulnerable elderly lady
  • Caller inquiring about NHS incident/claim

Call Charges

If you want to return a call to 02081334804, it will cost you £0.16 per minute on landline and between between £0.03 to £0.65 per minute on mobile. Additionally, there might be a connection charge of £0.23.

About 02 Numbers

These numbers are connected to specific locations in the UK and are often utilized by residential and commercial properties. Also known as as 'basic rate', 'local rate', or 'national rate' numbers, the costs for these geographic numbers are contingent on the time of day. A good number of service providers offer call packages that offer free calls during designated times. Call costs from mobile phones are dependent on the chosen calling plan, with many plans providing these numbers in their free call packages.

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