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34621621901 Tagged as:
34621621901 is not a valid (Unknown) United Kingdom Phone Number. It has a prefix of 34621621901.
The format of this phone number on your Caller ID could differ, such as:
+4434621621901+44 3462162190134621621901+44-34621621901
Number Of Searches:
Number Of Comments:
First Seen:
09 January 2024
General Reputation:
This number has recently been searched from Farringdon(Devon), Seaford(East Sussex), Waungilwen(Carmarthenshire) and Widdington(Essex).
34621621901 has 6 comments of which 5 x neutral and 1 x negative
Reports on phone number 34621621901
8 days
I've been receiving calls from this number repeatedly throughout the week. I used to have a joint account with Sabadell, but since my wife's passing, things have changed.
1 month
Received a call from a chap with a Spanish accent who uttered my name. When I clarified that I was from England, he abruptly hung up on me. If he was representing a Spanish bank, it surely reeks of a scam. I've just come back from Spain, where I took care of my banking details, so I'm quite certain it’s nothing legitimate.
12 months
Received a ring from someone claiming to be from a bank in Spain.
12 months
I just received a rather peculiar call from this number, claiming to be from a Spanish bank!
1 year
I received a call from a number based in Spain. Unfortunately, the person on the other end wasn’t conversant in English. They mentioned they’d get back to me later.
1 year
I've noticed I've been getting a steady stream of calls from the number (+34621621901) these past few days, alongside calls from (+34919058660). I've heard the latter is linked to a scam operation, so it's likely this first number is up to no good as well. Keep an eye out for them!
Submit Your Own Report (34621621901)
TimeLine of events for phone number 34621621901
- Frequent calls post wife’s passingJan
2025Suspicious Sabadell Bank call receivedJan
2025Suspicious call, likely a scamDec
2024Received call from Spanish bankJan
2024Phony call claimed to be bankJan
2024Spanish speaker, unanswered call returnJan
2024Potential scam caller identifiedJan
2024Other Numbers
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