
Click on the button below to summarize all user reports on 01460207120

01460207120 is a valid (Landline) United Kingdom Phone Number and it is issued by Gamma Telecom Holdings Ltd. It is part of the phone block 146020 with a prefix of 01460. The area code 01460 originates from Chard.

You may see this phone number on your Caller ID in one of these formats:

+441460207120+44 1460 20712001460 207120+44-1460-207120

If you want to return this call, click here to see the call charges.

Number Of Searches: 134 Number Of Comments: 7 First Seen: 19 August 2021 General Reputation: neutral

This number has recently been searched from Crich(Derbyshire), Otterden Place(Kent), Radford(Worcestershire) and Three Gates(Dorset).

01460207120 has 7 comments of which 7 x neutral

Reports on phone number 01460207120

3 years
They insisted it was a case of dialling a number by mistake.
3 years
I picked up the phone, and a gentleman asked for me by my first name. When I inquired who was on the line, the call mysteriously disconnected.
3 years
When I picked up the phone, they immediately disconnected the call.
3 years
I haven't the foggiest who these individuals might be.
3 years
Save yourself the trouble of responding! They simply hang up on you straight away! I've had a barrage of calls from them today, yet not a single word is exchanged with me. How maddening!
3 years
I was hoping to have a chat with my manager. She mentioned it was merely a 'catch-up' and assured me she'd return the call. However, I still won’t forward her through!
3 years
I received a call from this number on both my mobile and my home phone, but they didn’t leave a message. It’s got me a bit anxious, wondering if it might be something concerning one of my sons!

Submit Your Own Report (01460 207120)

TimeLine of events for phone number 01460207120

  • Said it was a mistake
  • Unwanted call asking for you
  • Call, hang up, frustrating response
  • Unfamiliar with the specified individuals
  • Receiving silent calls, frustrating experience
  • Avoiding putting annoying boss through
  • Missed calls causing worry and concern

Call Charges

If you want to return a call to 01460207120, it will cost you £0.16 per minute on landline and between between £0.03 to £0.65 per minute on mobile. Additionally, there might be a connection charge of £0.23.

About 01 Numbers

The indicated numbers refer to specific locations in the UK and are commonly used by both residences and businesses. Often called as 'basic rate', 'local rate', or 'national rate' numbers, the charges for these geographic numbers are dependent on the time of day. Several service providers offer call packages that allow free calls during certain times. Call costs from mobile phones are subject to the chosen calling plan, with several plans including these numbers in their free call packages.

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