
Click on the button below to summarize all user reports on 01453791492

01453791492 is a valid (Landline) United Kingdom Phone Number and it is issued by BT. It is part of the phone block 145379 with a prefix of 01453. The area code 01453 originates from Dursley.

The Caller ID for this phone number could show up in the following ways:

+441453791492+44 1453 79149201453 791492+44-1453-791492

If you want to return this call, click here to see the call charges.

Number Of Searches: 3 Number Of Comments: 1 First Seen: 29 July 2024 General Reputation: neutral

This number has recently been searched from Cloghera(County Tyrone) and Springfield(Buckinghamshire).

01453791492 has 1 comments of which 1 x neutral

Reports on phone number 01453791492

6 months
Called for about 23 seconds, but there was no response. They didn’t get in touch again either.

Submit Your Own Report (01453 791492)

TimeLine of events for phone number 01453791492

  • No answer, no callback received

Call Charges

If you want to return a call to 01453791492, it will cost you £0.16 per minute on landline and between between £0.03 to £0.65 per minute on mobile. Additionally, there might be a connection charge of £0.23.

About 01 Numbers

The indicated numbers refer to specific locations in the UK and are often utilized by both residences and businesses. Sometimes referred to as 'basic rate', 'local rate', or 'national rate' numbers, the call costs for these geographic numbers are based on the time of day. Most service providers offer call packages that grant free calls during selected times. Call costs from mobile phones are based on the chosen calling plan, with several plans providing these numbers in their free call packages.

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