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01204 357360 Tagged as:
01204357360 is a valid (Landline) United Kingdom Phone Number and it is issued by Gamma Telecom Holdings Ltd. It is part of the phone block 1204357 with a prefix of 01204. The area code 01204 originates from Bolton.
You might encounter this phone number on your Caller ID in one of these formats:
If you want to return this call, click here to see the call charges.
This number has recently been searched from Cookhill(Worcestershire), Criech(Fife), Farley(Somerset), Hornsby(Cumbria) and Rowley Regis(West Midlands).
01204357360 has 28 comments of which 7 x positive and 21 x neutral
Reports on phone number 01204357360
Submit Your Own Report (01204 357360)
TimeLine of events for phone number 01204357360
- Confirming phone number for MyDentistJun
2024Local number through Bolton codeMay
2024Confusion regarding appointment with MyDentistOct
2022User is unfamiliar with subjectNov
2021Dentist mix-up in different locationsJul
2020Identified as their dentistApr
2020Busy dentist schedule causing delaysMar
2020Missed call from dentist's officeSep
2019Visit the dentist twice yearlyJul
2019Meaning unclear without more contextJul
2019Caller number 01204 357360 mentionedFeb
2018User unsure of unknown callerDec
2017Unknown calls with silent callerDec
2017Ignores repeated unwanted callsSep
2017Inquiring about phone number ownershipJul
2017Unknown caller keeps contacting meJul
2017ADH Dentists verification numberJul
2017Caller recognizes MyDentist dental practiceJul
2017Unknown caller, looking for recognitionMar
2016Caller ID: 01204 357360 BoltonMar
2016Received scam calls multiple timesFeb
2016Phone number scam warning issuedFeb
2016Frequent calls, never answeredJan
2016Unanswered call, potential nuisance identifiedDec
2015Suspicious automated return call scamNov
2015Unknown number called, requested mailboxOct
2015Asking about number 7 callerAug
2015Received call from unidentified numberAug
2015Request for caller identity information.Aug
2015Call Charges
If you want to return a call to 01204357360, it will cost you £0.16 per minute on landline and between between £0.03 to £0.65 per minute on mobile. Additionally, there might be a connection charge of £0.23.
About 01 Numbers
These numbers refer to specific locations in the UK and are typically used by domestic and commercial premises. Sometimes referred to as 'basic rate', 'local rate', or 'national rate' numbers, the charges for these geographic numbers are dependent on the time of day. Numerous service providers offer call packages that allow free calls during particular times. Call costs from mobile phones are according to the chosen calling plan, with many plans containing these numbers in their free call packages.
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