
Click on the button below to summarize all user reports on 01163504566

01163504566 is a valid (Landline) United Kingdom Phone Number and it is issued by Voxbone SA. It is part of the phone block 116350 with a prefix of 0116. The area code 0116 originates from Leicester.

Your Caller ID may exhibit this phone number showcased in these various formats:

+441163504566+44 116 350 45660116 350 4566+44-116-350-4566

If you want to return this call, click here to see the call charges.

Number Of Searches: 4 Number Of Comments: 3 First Seen: 10 September 2024 General Reputation: negative

This number has recently been searched from Frinsted(Kent), Lillingstone Dayrell(Buckinghamshire), Tarrant Hinton(Dorset) and Whitbourne(Herefordshire).

01163504566 has 3 comments of which 2 x negative and 1 x neutral

Reports on phone number 01163504566

4 months
Received a call from a medical alert service, but they terminated the conversation as soon as I inquired about my birth date. Curious behaviour, to say the least!
4 months
Received a cold call earlier, and just as I picked up, they hung up the moment my voicemail started. Definitely smells like a scam to me now!
4 months
They were trying to sell me some sort of emergency alert gadget and asked for my date of birth. Found that rather dodgy!

Submit Your Own Report (0116 350 4566)

TimeLine of events for phone number 01163504566

  • Medical alert service, suspicious behavior
  • Elderly targeted by hospital scam
  • Suspicious cold call scam identified
  • Emergency device request seems suspicious

Call Charges

If you want to return a call to 01163504566, it will cost you £0.16 per minute on landline and between between £0.03 to £0.65 per minute on mobile. Additionally, there might be a connection charge of £0.23.

About 01 Numbers

These numbers correspond to specific locations in the UK and are widely used by residential and commercial properties. Frequently termed as 'basic rate', 'local rate', or 'national rate' numbers, the costs for these geographic numbers are based on the time of day. Several service providers offer call packages that include free calls during certain times. Call costs from mobile phones are reliant on the chosen calling plan, with various plans incorporating these numbers in their free call packages.

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